Sedation Dentistry Makes You Relax While Dental Treatment

Sedation dentistry is used by the dentist while dental treatment to relax the patient from the phobic. It is a medication that helps the brain to relax and make the patient calm during the treatment. No matter how much you prepare for the treatment, once you sit on the dentist chair, your heartbeat start rising and you will anxious.


It is common in all types of treatment. People generally try to avoid going to the dental due to fear. They prefer taking prior care of the teeth to the keep the distance from the dental treatment.

The sedation is most common in the dental treatment. It works similar to anesthesia but produces the very low level of effects. It is also referred to as sleep dentistry. However, the patient does not get fully sleep. He will be awake during the procedure.

Here is an explanation of the levels of the sedation during the treatment.

  • Minimal Sedation: You will be fully awake but your brain will be relaxed. You will feel comfortable during the treatment.
  • Moderate Sedation: Sedation given in the moderate form makes the person speak while treatment but after the procedure is complete, you might not remember of the procedure.
  • Deep Sedation: In this situation, you will be at the edge of the consciousness but you will be still awakened.
  • General Anesthesia: The anesthesia makes the patient completely unconscious. You will not have any idea about what happened during the treatment. You will be in complete sleep.

The dentist uses various types of Sedation procedure to relax the patient during the treatment. It very important that the patient cooperates with the doctor and makes the process easy. If the patient is consistently bothering the doctor then applying the treatment becomes difficult. Also, the procedure will be elongated due to noncooperation.

Everyone has a phobia about the dentist treatment. No matter at what age you are, when it comes to treat your teeth and operate in the dentist clinic, you will unconsciously develop a phobic and start sweating.

Most people develop a anxiety at the level where they can become unconscious and it can impact the body language of the person. People who easily get fear can develop serious fever before the treatment due to stress.

That’s the reason why most of the people try to solve the teeth problem with the medicine or another way to avoid going to the dentist. You need dental treatment when your teeth problem reaches the level of severity. At that time there will be no any other solution than having a dental treatment.

What Types of Sedation Are Used in Dentistry?

Inhaled Sedation: The dentist will give you nitrous oxide also known as Laughing gas to breathe. It will be combined with the oxygen and provided through the mask placed on your nose. The gas is known for reducing the anxiety to a great extent. It shows result immediately and makes the patient relax.

The dentist maintains the flow as per the need. He reduces or increases the amount of sedation during the treatment. This is the only dental sedation procedure which makes you comfortable and keeps your brain in good shape to allow you to drive your vehicle safely to your home.

Oral sedation: The oral sedation is another way to keep you calm during the treatment. The dose of the oral sedation is depending on the factors such as the type of treatment and duration it will take to complete the procedure. For minimum sedation doctor will give you pill to consume.

Mostly the pill will be Halcion. It is generally taken about an hour before the treatment. The pill starts affecting your brain in few minutes and it will make you feel drowsy, although you will be awake and observe what is happening around you.

The large does is given to the patient to produce moderate sedation. This a type of anesthesia mostly used in the Sedation dentistry. Sometimes the patient falls asleep during the procedure. The patient can usually awaken with a gentle shake.

IV moderate sedation: In this process, you receive the drug through an injection. The drug is injected into your vein so it starts producing the result quickly. It allows the dentist to adjust the level of the sedation. You will feel the immediate effect after the drug is injected into your body.

Once it enters your nerves it directly reaches to your brain and instructs the brain to slow down the pain receptor until the drug has its effect on it. It is the used by many doctors as it saves time and the treatment can be completed as quickly as possible.

The main purpose of using sedation is to keep you calm and avoid severe pain cause during the treatment. The sedation helps the dentist as well as patient to go through the treatment smoothly.