Bikrams advanced class

In the Bikram yoga tradition from Bishnu Ghosh lineage, there are two yoga series, Bikrams class that was designed by Bikram Choudhury, the beginners class that is sometimes referred to as the 26+2 (yoga poses + pranayamas) and there is the advanced series that sometimes that is referred to as the 84 or the advanced class. The first series is taught and practiced all over the world, but the advanced class is mostly practiced by yoga teachers and taught by senior teachers. If you have been to any Bikram yoga studio you might have seen a poster of Tony Sanchez demonstrating the yoga postures of the advanced yoga series 84. 
Advanced bikram is practiced in a room heated to 40 degrees Celcius, same as Bikram hot yoga, and takes anything from 1,5 – 3 hours. 

Bikram advanced