Lovely Chakra Meditation Cards Gift Set

These unique Chakra Meditation Cards by Sindy of, so each is very different and is full of meaning.
7 cards in total, one card for each of the 7 chakras, with each card displaying the color, the symbol, and the meaning while on the reverse side is a short, guided meditation for that particular Chakra.

The set of cards is presented in an envelope especially designed to protect these cards, so that not only are they useful for daily use, but the set also makes a thoughtful gift.

To learn more, watch the video above or go to

Chakra Meditation Cards

Chakra Names and Colors

1  Root Chakra  color red,  Muladhara Chakra
2  Sacral Chakra color orange,  Svadhisthana Chakra
3  Navel Chakra color yellow,  Manipura Chakra or Solar Plexus
4  Heart Chakra color green,  Anahata Chakra
5  Throat Chakra color blue, Visuddha Chakra
6  Third Eye Chakra (3rd eye chakra) color indigo,  Ajna Chakra
7  Crown Chakra color violet, purple,  Sahasrara Chakra

Watch the video carefully and see if you can spot the animal on each Chakra card!